
⚓ Apply smooth scroll to anchor links to replicate CSS scroll-behavior



The Scroll Behavior specification allows for native smooth scrolling in browsers – both by using JavaScript scroll APIs like window.scrollTo and Element.scrollIntoView or by simply setting the property scroll-behavior to smooth in CSS, which will then make any scrolling smooth by default. This includes scrolls that are triggered by an anchor link pointing to an element on the page by targeting it's id in the hash, like <a href="#target">.
By using this CSS property, you can build a one-page design with smooth scroll between the different sections without having to write a single line of JS – just like this page is doing!

Unfortunately, the Scroll Behavior spec is not supported in all major browsers yet. 👎🏻
There are several Polyfills available to fix this, for example smoothscroll-polyfill. But even if you use those, navigation happening due to clicks on anchor elements is still instant without any smoothness: only the JavaScript APIs are polyfilled.
This little script aims to fix this. If the browser does not support native Scroll Behavior, it will wire up all matching anchor links so they use the (polyfilled and thus smooth) JS APIs for navigation. Let the scrolling begin!


⚠ Since this script uses the JavaScript scroll APIs and relies on their smooth scroll functionality to operate, you'll need a polyfill for the Scroll Behavior spec in order for this script to make a difference. It just wires up <a> tags and hashchange events to use window.scroll() and Element.scrollIntoView(). smoothscroll-polyfill is used as example throughout this site, but you may just as well use another polyfill – or write your own implementation. If you are using jQuery on your site, you could use $.animate() to provide smooth scroll for these scroll APIs, for example.

1. Setting scroll-behavior in CSS

Browsers don't parse CSS properties they don't recognize. For this reason, reading the scroll-behavior property from your regular stylesheets is unfortunately not possible (without a performance hit). Instead, you need to additionally specify scroll-behavior using a CSS variable:

  html {
    /* CSS custom property for the polyfill */
    --scroll-behavior: smooth;

    /* Normal CSS property for browsers with native support */
    scroll-behavior: smooth;

You can treat it like any other property, for example use media queries or toggle classes.
The following only enables smooth scroll on Desktop devices:

  html {
    --scroll-behavior: auto;
    scroll-behavior: auto;

  @media screen and (min-width: 1150px) {
    html {
      --scroll-behavior: smooth;
      scroll-behavior: smooth;

Need to support Internet Explorer?

In legacy browsers like Internet Explorer, CSS Custom Properties are not supported. To specify scroll-behavior, use one of the following options instead:

Using the inline style attribute:

<html style="scroll-behavior: smooth;">

This way, the polyfill can read the property using getAttribute('style') even if the browser doesn't parse it.

Using font-family as workaround

Alternatively, you can specify the property as the name of a custom font family. Your actual fonts will still work the way they should (plus, you can simply declare actual fonts on body instead of html).
As with CSS variables (and unlike inline styles), this allows you to use normal CSS features like media queries or classes.

  html {
    /* Normal CSS property for browsers with native support */
    scroll-behavior: smooth;

    /* Defined as the name of a font, so the polyfill can read it */
    font-family: "scroll-behavior: smooth", sans-serif;

💡 Redeclaring your scroll-behavior properties to work with this polyfill can be automated using a PostCSS plugin. You simply write regular CSS and the plugin will intelligently transform it using one of the above options, depending on your supported browsers (detected via browserslist). It just works™

2. Installing the polyfill

Option 1: Using <script>

Simply drop in <script> tags linking to the polyfill(s) and you're good to go.

<!-- Any polyfill to enable smoothscroll for the JavaScript APIs -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- This package, to apply the smoothscroll to anchor links -->
<script src=""></script>

Option 2: With npm

Alternatively, if you're using npm, you can install using npm install smoothscroll-anchor-polyfill and then use the polyfill by requiring/importing it in your JS.

// Import any polyfill to enable smoothscroll for JS APIs
import smoothscrollPolyfill from 'smoothscroll-polyfill';

// Import this package to apply the smoothscroll to anchor links
import smoothscrollAnchorPolyfill from 'smoothscroll-anchor-polyfill';

// (Unlike this package, smoothscroll-polyfill needs to be actively invoked: )

👉🏻 The polyfill is also provided in ES module format as index.mjs and index.min.mjs.

Advanced installation (with Code Splitting)

If you're using a build system with support for code splitting like Parcel or Webpack, you can use dynamic imports to load the polyfills – this way, browsers won't even download the polyfill code if they already have support for the Scroll Behavior spec natively:

// Only continue if polyfills are actually needed
if (!('scrollBehavior' in {

  // Wait until the Polyfills are loaded
  // then use the modules however you want
  .then(([smoothscrollPolyfill, smoothscrollAnchorPolyfill]) => {
    // (Unlike this package, smoothscroll-polyfill needs to be actively invoked: )


For 90% of use cases, there should not be much more to it than loading this polyfill – it will execute immediately no matter if loaded through a script tag or in a module environment. If the Scroll Behavior spec is supported natively, the code won't do anything.

Changing the scroll behavior

The prefered way to dynamically adjust the scroll behavior is through CSS, e.g. toggling a class or using a media query. The documentation site is using this method: click the "Toggle smooth scroll" button and notice how the class smooth-scroll is toggled on <html>.

Valid property values for scroll-behavior are smooth to enable smooth scroll, or auto, initial, inherit or unset to use instant, jumping scroll.

You can also assign these values directly to, it will have precedence over all other ways of specyfing the scroll behavior.
Assigning to .scrollBehavior is not recommened however, as some packages use this property for feature detection and can break if you mess with it.

Using the polyfill even if there is native support

This package exports two methods, destroy and polyfill.
If loaded through a script tag, these methods are exposed on window.smoothscrollAnchorPolyfill.

polyfill({ force: boolean }):

The polyfill method starts the polyfill. If it is already active, it will simply restart – so you can safely call it without running destroy() first.
The method takes an (optional) Object as argument, if you set the property force to true, anchor navigation will be handled by this script even if the browser supports native smooth scroll. Not recommended.


Disables the polyfill and removes all EventListeners.


scroll-behavior is not detected in regular stylesheets

As already explained in the Usage section, scroll-behavior can not be set in regular CSS, as accessing the property there from JavaScript is not possible without a performance hit. This is caused by browsers not parsing a CSS property if it isn't recognized as valid. If you need the flexiblity of CSS, consider the font-family workaround.

scroll-behavior is only supported as global setting

In browsers with native support, you can define scroll-behavior at multiple points in your document, e.g. auto on the document itself, but smooth on a slideshow container that has separate scrolling. This polyfill does not allow for that, either all anchors on the page scroll smoothly by setting scroll-behavior at document level, or none.

scroll-behavior doesn't affect scrolling triggered from JavaScript

This polyfill only affects scrolling triggered by clicks on <a> tags and through hashchange events. You'll still have to pass { behavior: 'smooth' } when using APIs like window.scroll() unless your polyfill for these APIs has it's own CSS property check.

Inconsistencies in native implementations

While Scroll Behavior has native support in a couple of browsers already, they behave differently than expected in some situations. The following are not bugs of this polyfill, but inconsistencies of browsers' native behavior and workarounds you might want to know about.

Blink (e.g. Chrome, Opera):
While 'normal' scrolling is smooth, if you click a couple of links and then navigate back and forth using the browser's forwards/backwards buttons (which triggers a hashchange everytime), it jumps from anchor to anchor instead of scrolling smoothly.
If this is important to you, you can fix it by detecting the Blink engine and force-enabling this polyfill. Load browsengine.js, then do (before the polyfill runs):

if (window.webpage.engine.blink) {
          window.__forceSmoothscrollAnchorPolyfill__ = true;

Gecko (Firefox):
Anchors pointing to #top don't smooth scroll. Use anchors pointing at # for an easy fix.


Will this break Server Side Rendering?


Will this work if anchors are inserted after the script was loaded?

The polyfill uses Event Delegation to detect clicks, so even if an anchor is added to the page after the polyfill was loaded, everything should work.

Does this support prefers-reduced-motion?

prefers-reduced-motion is a relatively new CSS media query that hints at whether a client prefers less motion, which can be important for people with certain illnesses. Firefox currently is the only browser to support both scroll-behavior and prefers-reduced-motion and thus acts as a reference for the interplay between these two properties – and in Firefox, smooth scrolling is not disabled automatically if this media query matches.
So no, this polyfill does not automatically disable itself if the client prefers less motion, but yes, it supports prefers-reduced-motion the same way Firefox does – via a media query:

@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
  html {
    --scroll-behavior: auto;
    scroll-behavior: auto;


Hinweis: die folgenden rechtlichen Hinweise betreffen diese Website als solche entsprechend deutschem und europäischem Recht, nicht das vorgestellte Software-Paket "smoothscroll-anchor-polyfill". "smoothscroll-anchor-polyfill" selbst ist lizensiert nach der MIT-Lizenz, mehr Informationen können dem GitHub Repository entnommen werden.


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Sielstraße 5
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